Friday 27 March 2020

Bug Hotel

This activity is a great chance to use up what is in the recycling bag and get outside! While the weather is still nice, you can search around the garden for items to make the perfect habitat for the mini beasts!

What you will need:
-sticks/twigs and bark
-grass cuttings 
-one big box to contain everything (I have used a printer paper box, but a cereal box or anything of a similar size would work too)
-egg boxes or any other small boxes to divide up the hotel 
-loo/kitchen roll tubes 
(Cardboard recyclables are best for this rather than plastic)

1. Firstly, you will want to collect some dry leaves or grass and fill up the base of your main box. This will fill it out and give the hotel lots of layers for those creepy crawlies!

2. Now you want to collect the rest of your cardboard containers and place them on top of the first layer of grass/leaves inside the main box. If there are any gaps in between fill it up with some more leaves and grass. 

3. The next step is to collect sticks, twigs, stones and soil and fill up the containers. I filled up each container with different materials. 

4. Make sure to add more layers with any extra leaves and grass and fill any extra gaps with twigs as this will keep everything from falling out the box when it is placed upright. 

5. Finally, to make sure those bugs know where they are going, add a sign. I have written a label and have covered it in sellotape to make sure it stays waterproof. 

5. And there you have it, the perfect cosy habitat for the bugs! Make sure you place the box upright somewhere where it will not blow away in the wind! I have put mine between a gap in the hedge and have covered it with leaves to blend in with the natural environment. 

Extra suggestion:
Once you have built your bug hotel, take a look at this link which will tell you what types of bugs you may find come to stay in the hotel! 

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