Friday 29 May 2020

Fish hand puppets

Happy Friday! Today is the last themed activity of the week. These fish puppets are really easy to make and are great for younger children as they can practise cutting out the shape with safety scissors. You can also go wild with the decoration and colours and pair the puppet with a book to make story time even more fun.

What you will need:
- Paper or card
- skewers/lollipop sticks/straws/pencils
- tape
- pencil
- scissors 
-glue stick 
- any other crafty bits for decoration, such as googly eyes. (you could colour in your fish if you are using plain paper)

1.  First of all, draw around your hand to create the fish's body. You could draw around different sized hands if you wanted to create a family of fish. 

2. Once you have drawn around your hand, cut it out*.  

3. Tape the skewer or lollipop stick to the back of the fish. 

4. Now for the fun part, decoration! I added a googly eye, but you could draw your eye on. To create the mouth cut out a heart shape on coloured paper.* Glue half of this down onto the front of the fish. 

5. Now you have your fish, create a show or pair this with your favourite book. The book 'The Rainbow Fish' is perfect to pair your puppet with.

Extra Suggestion:

- As well as fish, you can also create other animals also using the shape of your hand. Some animals that work particularly well are:
- Flamingo
- Elephant
- Giraffe
- Dinosaurs 

(* = adult help/supervision might be needed for that particular task).

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