Wednesday 25 March 2020

Pizza Bread

 This is the perfect activity for staying inside the house, and even better it tastes good too! This recipe is adaptable so although I have used part baked baguettes, you can use pitta breads, wraps or even make your own pizza dough.


-bread of your choice ( I have used 3 part baked baguettes cut into halves, to serve 4 adults) 
-tomato passata or a tin of 
chopped tomatoes or tomato puree
-cheese of your choice (I have used grated cheddar) 
-toppings of your choice (I have used ham and pineapple)
-some examples of yummy toppings are: sweetcorn, baby tomatoes (cut into halves*), peppers, tuna, salami and mushrooms. 
1. Firstly, you will need to slice your
bread in half* and lightly brush the bread with water (so it does not dry out when it cooks). Once you have done this, place them on a baking tray and cook them for 5 minutes at 180c*. If you are using bread that is already fully cooked, you can skip this step. 

2. Once the bread has cooked, it's time to put on the toppings! First, spread the passata or puree onto the bread with a table knife or spatula. This does not have to be neat! 

3. Now sprinkle your cheese onto the bread and add the rest of your toppings.

4. Put the baking tray back in the oven for 3-5 mins*, you'll know when it has done if the cheese has melted!

5. Finally, the best step, enjoy! :)

* = Parent's supervision needed for this task 

Extra suggestion:

Now that the restaurants have closed, make your own restaurant at home with this menu linked below. 
Parents fill out what toppings you have at home and then get your children to fill out the menu and take orders like a waiter/waitress!

Click this link for menu

1 comment:

  1. We found pita bread works as a good base, if your kids prefer a less doughy base...


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