Wednesday 29 April 2020

Blooming paper flowers

Hello everyone! Today's activity is the perfect indoor activity, especially if you are in the UK as the weather is not so nice. These paper flowers that bloom when they touch water are very simple, but your children will think it is magic! If you are homeschooling your children at the moment and want to incorporate this into learning, it makes a great activity to teach about growth and life cycles.

What you will need:
- paper 
- scissors 
- colouring pens/pencils
- bowl/tub of water

1. To start this activity, draw out your shape on a piece of paper. I found flowers work the best, but I also used a butterfly shape. If you don't want to draw your own template, I have included a link to some below.

2. Once you have drawn your shape, colour it in and cut it out.*

3. The last step, before you put your flower into the water, is to fold in the petals as I have shown in image 4. Make sure to not fold them down too tightly as they might not bloom when they are put in the water.

4. Finally, place your folded up shape into the water and watch as it starts to unfold!

Extra Suggestion:

- You could layer two flowers together to watch something bigger unfold. To do this simply cut out two flowers, one bigger than the other. Stick the middle of the smaller flower onto the bigger flower and then place onto the water.

(* = adult help/supervision might be needed for that particular task).

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