Friday 24 April 2020

Colour scavenger hunt

Today's activity is fun for all ages, but it is great for younger ones to practise their colours. You can use my template or make your own and if you want a bit of a challenge you could use a variety of colours and shades and try and find objects to match! 

What you will need:
- If you are making your own template, you will need some felt tips or colouring pencils and a piece of paper.

1. First of all, if you are making your own template, colour in squares/patches onto your paper.

2. Find objects to match all of your colours. I chose 6 to colours to match items to and I used items only from the garden, but you could also do this inside if the weather is not so good!

Extra suggestion:

- Similar to what I have done, you could challenge yourself to only find flowers and leaves. 

-Following the theme of rainbows which have been a popular thing to display at the moment, you could create a rainbow out of the items you have found!

- For younger children, you could use an empty cardboard egg box, put the colour where the egg would sit and then collect the item to put in each section of the box.

My template:

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