Friday 3 April 2020

Chopstick bubbles

This is one of my favourite activities as it requires only a few items to make Amazingly big bubbles! 

What you will need:
- string  
- chopsticks (sticks from the garden or pencils will also work)
- washing up liquid 
- tray or large bucket of water

1. Firstly, you want to cut two pieces of string about 30cm long. 

2. Tie the ends of the first piece of string onto the two chopsticks (one end of the string on each chopstick). Then tie each end of the second piece of string near the bottom of each chopstick  (leaving enough room to be able to hold the chopsticks). Tie it round twice and nice and tight so it doesn't move out of place. You should have something that looks like the third picture in the grid above. 

3. Now fill up your tray with water. To get good bubbles you will need about three parts water to one part washing up liquid. 

4. Place your the string into the mixture and lift out slowly and you should see some bubbles! If there are no bubbles when you lift it out of the water, try adding some more washing up liquid.

Extra suggestion:
- If you want to create lots of smaller bubbles, try twisting your string into loops.
- To create even bigger bubbles try using pieces of bamboo instead of chopsticks, use rope instead of string and use a larger bucket to create enormous bubbles!

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