Monday 6 April 2020

Flower Faces

 Happy Monday! Today's activity is simple and fun for all ages and all it requires is some leaves and flowers found in the garden.

What you will need:
- leaves, flowers and sticks from the garden (make sure to check with your parents which flowers you are allowed to pick!) 
- A4 paper
- scissors 
- PVA glue or glue stick

1. First of all, collect all of the plants you want to use for your image. As you have a look around, try and look for the different shaped features. For example, I knew for the eyes I needed to find an oval shape. This will make it easier when putting it together! 

2. If you want to create an outline/frame for the face, find sticks and place them down in the shape of the face.

3. Now with the plants that you have found for the main features of the face, place down inside the outline you have already created. If the plants don't fit how you want them to, you can always cut them to shape.*

4. Finally, place down the extra features like eyebrows, hair etc. Once you are happy with how it looks, glue down all of the features. You can also leave it not glued so that you can mix and match the features of the face if you wish to.

Extra Suggestion:
- If you would like to create more of these faces, have a go at creating something inspired by a person. I have attempted to create the artist Frida Kahlo in the image below!

* = parental supervision needed for this task.

(After picking/handling plants, make sure to wash your hands) :)

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