Monday 20 April 2020

Tin can wind chime

Today's activity is making this wind chime using old tin cans. You can decorate yours however you like. Make sure to hang them up outside as they make a great noise in the wind!

What you will need:
- 3+ tin cans
- string 
- scissors 
- something to make a hole in the can * (I used a screwdriver)
- paint + paintbrush or marker pens 

1. First of all, find some cans and wash them out.* (Be careful the edges of the cans might be sharp). I would use more than 2 cans if you are able to find them as it makes a better noise. Make sure the lids have been taken off and also the labels.

2. Once you have done that, you will need an adult to help with the next task which is to poke a hole through the bottom of the can.* 

3. Feed some string through the hole and tie a few knots to keep the can in place. Repeat with all of your cans making sure you use the same length of string for each one.

4. Now you can decorate! I have used paint to do some patterns around it, but you could paint the whole can or even use marker pens to decorate.

5. Finally, find somewhere to hang them up outside. I tied mine onto a tree in the garden. 

Extra suggestion:

- To make a louder wind chime you can use other objects to add to your wind chime. Cutlery and plastic bottles might also work well.

* = Adult supervision/help might be needed for this task.

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