Friday 17 April 2020

Bubble Snakes

While the weather is still so nice, today's activity is an outdoor one and is really easy to make! This is also made using recycled items so no need to buy anything new.

What you will need: 
- plastic water bottle 
- 1 sock (if you did the sock bunny last week and saved the matching sock, use it for this activity)
- scissors 
- elastic band or hair tie 
- washing up liquid 
- bucket or bowl for water

1.  For the first step, you might need some help from an adult to cut the bottom of the water bottle off.* You can save the bottom part of the bottle to make as a bird feeder or if you haven't yet made the fairy garden from my blog, you could use it to make the pond! 

2.  Place the sock over the bottom half of the bottle, making sure it is pulled over tight. 

3.  To keep the sock from sliding off, use an elastic band or hair tie around the sock to keep it in place. 

4.  Fill up your bowl 3 parts water and 1 part washing up liquid. 

5.  Now to make these amazing bubble snakes, take off the cap at the top of the bottle, dip the bottom half of the bottle into the soapy mixture and then take it out and blow out through the top.

Extra suggestion:

- If you have some food colouring, you can make some rainbow bubble snakes, and even create some art from it! 

To do this, put dabs of food colouring onto the part of the sock that is submerged in the water. Blow the bubble snakes onto some paper and leave it until all of the bubbles have popped. It should leave you with a colourful bubble print pattern.

*  =  Adult supervision or help might be needed for this task!

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