Monday 27 April 2020

Magazine Faces

Today's activity is a fun and easy game for children to mix and match the different features of faces from magazines to create a funny face! I also like this activity as if you choose not to glue them down then you can use this game again and again.

What you will need:
- an old magazine 
- scissors
- glue stick (optional)
- piece of paper (optional)

1. Firstly, cut out different faces from your magazine. I think it is fun to cut out different sized images so that the faces are even more mixed and matched! Once you have cut out the whole face, cut out the different features like the eyes, nose and mouth.*

2. Separate the different features that you have cut out and create new faces using the different eyes, mouth and nose.

3. You can glue these down once you are happy with how the face is or just place them down so that you can re-use them another time. 

Extra suggestion:

- If you want to re-use this game but want the faces to stick to the page, you could use blue tac to temporarily stick them on. 

- I have just created faces from my magazine, but you could also cut out arms and legs to create a whole person or cut out different outfits to make it a fashion game.

- For older children you can adapt this to make a 'beetle drive' type game. Number each feature from 1-6, take turns to throw the dice to build up your picture.

* = Adult supervision needed for this task

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