Wednesday 8 April 2020

Easter Nests

As it is coming up to Easter, this activity is inspired by spring! This is an easy and quick activity that doesn't even need to cook in the oven, and more importantly they taste yummy too. :)

What you will need:
- 200g chocolate 
- 70g cereal (cornflakes, shredded wheat and rice krispies will all work well)
- 60g unsalted butter
- 2 tbs golden or maple syrup
- mini eggs (or any other chocolate eggs)
- cupcake cases 

1. First of all, weigh out your ingredients and place your butter and chocolate in a bowl to melt. You can either melt them in the microwave* or you can use the 'Bain-Marie' method, which is what I have done, (where you melt the mixture in a bowl over a pan of hot water).*

2. Once your mixture has melted, take it off the heat and add in your golden/maple syrup.

3. Now it's time to add the cereal! Pour it in slowly and stir well.

4. Once all of your ingredients have been incorporated and mixed well, spoon your mixture into cupcake cases in a baking tray, spread out evenly.

5. Finally, add your chocolate eggs into the middle of your nests and place your tray into the fridge for 2 hours. 

6. Enjoy! :)

* = parental supervision or help needed for this task.

Extra suggestion:
- Why not make this part of a garden picnic (or an indoor picnic) using a blanket and your favourite teddies to celebrate the Easter weekend!

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