Wednesday 6 May 2020

Nature magic wands

Today's activity is perfect for performing magic spells! You can easily transform these plain sticks from the garden, or from a find on your walk, into something more fun by using ribbon and string and even some glitter. 

What you will need:
- a stick/twig
- some leaves or feathers 
- ribbon/thread/wool/scraps of fabric
- sequins/glitter (optional)
- scissors
- craft or PVA glue (not essential)

1. First of all, you want to start decorating the stick from the bottom upwards. I used a mixture of thread and ribbon. To start and end each thread, tie a tight double knot.

2. For the ribbon, it might be easier to use craft glue to secure the ends onto the stick.* 

3. Once you have covered the stick with ribbon and thread and you are near the top, start wrapping the thread around the feathers or leaves to secure them into place. You will need to wrap it around quite a few times to make sure that they will not come loose when you are performing your spells! Tie it off the same way as you have done with the other threads.

4. If you want to add any extra details, you can add sequins and glitter like I have done. To glue down the sequins I used craft glue* and for the glitter, I dipped the end of the stick into PVA and then dipped that into the glitter. Make sure to shake off the excess glitter, and there you have it, the perfect magic wand!

Extra suggestion:

- If you want to use this activity for younger children, get them to decorate their wand using paint, glitter or stickers.

(* = adult help/supervision might be needed for that particular task).

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