Wednesday 20 May 2020

Straw Rockets

Ready for lift off! Today's activity is rocket making, they are simple to make and create hours of fun for all ages. This can also make a fun game if you compete against each other to see whose rocket flies the highest!

What you will need:
- paper
- 1 straw
- glue stick or tape
- scissors 
- pencil
- colouring pens/pencils

1. Firstly, you will need to draw out your rocket onto the piece of paper. Try not to make it bigger than 15cm long as it might be too big/heavy to take off. I will link some templates below if you don't want to draw one. 

2. Once you have drawn or printed out your design, colour it in and cut it out*. 

3. Using your paper again, cut out a small rectangle* and roll it up, creating a tube, as shown in image 4. Tape or glue the end of tube to create a pocket and stick this to the back of the rocket with the taped up side at the top.

4. Your rocket is now complete, but to make it fly we need to use the straw. If you have a straw with a bendy side, point it upwards and place that part of the straw in the pocket that you have already created. Blow out into the other end of the straw and the air should push the rocket upwards.

Extra suggestion:

- You could create a game of air football using a similar method. Create two goal posts, use a ping pong ball or scrunched up paper ball and play against each other to see who can score the most goals by only blowing through the straw!

(* = adult help/supervision might be needed for that particular task).

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