Monday 25 May 2020

Shadow Puppets

Happy Bank Holiday Monday! This is the last themed activity week and it will be theatre themed. To start us off, we have these shadow puppets which are really easy to make and stand out so well in the dark with a torch. This is great for imaginative play as you can come up with story lines to match the characters.

What you will need:
- Lollipop sticks/skewers (or if you don't have these you could use pencils)
- If you are making your own template, you will need a pencil and paper. If not you can use the template I have used as I have linked it below.
- Tape 
- Scissors
- Torch

1. First of all, cut out your template.* I found one online which has a mixture animals. This is great for imaginative play as it will be fun inventing the script for the show!

2. Once you have cut out your shapes, tape the skewer/lollipop stick to the back of the animal head.

3. Now you have your puppet, find somewhere that is dark and turn on your torch to see some amazing shadows.

Link for animal template

Extra Suggestion:

- If you want to try a different template you could make a puppet show using other shapes like people or different animals. 

(* = adult help/supervision might be needed for that particular task).

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