Monday 18 May 2020

Sponge Darts

It looks like it is going to be another sunny day, so this activity is a great one to get outside! This is really easy to set up and the aim is to see how many points you can get by throwing the sponges onto the target. I like how adaptable this is, as for younger children they can stand closer to the target and for older children  this can be made more challenging by standing further away as they start to get better at throwing the sponges at the target!

What you will need:
- sponge(s)
- some chalk (I used a different colour for each circle in the target but this is not essential)

1. Firstly, for this activity you will need to find a tarmacked area like a driveway or carpark, but you could also use a wall or fence.

2. Once you found a space to create your game, start to draw out your target. I started with the outer circle. It is tricky to draw the perfect circle, but don't worry too much as it won't really affect the game. Draw out three circles and a bulls eye.

4. Now you have your target, label each section with the amount of points you get for landing on each circle. I did it so that you won one point for the outer circle, two points for the second circle, three points for the inner circle and five points if you hit the bullseye.

5. Finally, to make it obvious where you have hit the target, soak the sponges in water. When you take your turn to hit the target you will see the splash marks of where your sponge has landed.

Extra suggestion:

- As an alternative to sponges you could also use bean bags or even water balloons!

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