Friday 8 May 2020

Shadow Drawing

This activity is a great one to begin your sunny weekend. I have found that this is a favourite with younger children and you only need a few items to create these shapes using the sun!

What you will need:
- paper 
- pencil
- objects (any item with a distinct shape will work, e.g. animal characters or lego people)
- colouring pencils/pens 

1.  First of all, make sure you find a sunny spot, or if you are inside you can use a lamp or torch. Lay out your paper in the light and place the figure onto the paper.

2. Position the figure so that you can see the shadow and draw around it.

3. Once you have drawn out your shape, you could colour it in or decorate it.

Extra suggestion:

-  You could create a themed scene by drawing round lots of shapes. 

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