Friday 15 May 2020

Flower Pressing

It's Friday and the last activity of our wildlife themed week. Today's activity is flower pressing. This does not require a lot of equipment, just some flowers and a heavy book. I love this as it is great for teaching children about plants and also patience as the flowers need time to press!

What you will need:
- flowers (these were picked from my garden, but you could use bought flowers that are not fresh anymore or pick some flowers on a walk) 
- newspaper or baking paper
- a heavy/large book

1.  First of all, collect the flowers that you would like to press (make sure to check with an adult which flowers you are allowed to pick!)

2. Place the flowers onto one half of your baking paper or newspaper and fold the other half of the paper over the flowers so that the flowers lay in between the two sides.

3. Finally, place a large book over the top of the paper and leave it there for a week. After a week the flowers should be flat so you can take them out of the paper and use them how you wish!

Extra Suggestions of crafts where you can use your pressed flowers:

- create your own bookmark
- create a monogram using the flowers
- use the flowers to make a sun catcher 
- stick the flowers onto card to make a homemade card for someone
- use your imagination with the flowers to create pictures or faces 

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