Wednesday 27 May 2020

Puppet Show Theatre

Lights, Camera, Action! Today's activity continues from Monday, so if you made these puppets, this is a great addition to help you make your own show. I've decorated mine in a simple way, but you could go the extra mile to make a theatre experience!

What you will need:
- A4 sized piece of cardboard (cereal boxes are perfect for this)
- parchment paper/tracing paper or even just a plain sheet of A4 paper
- ruler
- scissors
- pencil
- tape
- paint or colouring pens

1. Firstly, you will need to make the frame for the theatre using a piece of thin cardboard. I used the front piece of an old cereal box. Using a ruler, draw a line a few centimetres from the edge of the box around each side. 

2.  This next task can be tricky so you might need an adult's help. You will need to cut out the inside of the frame, leaving you with just the border (see image 3).*

3. Measure and cut your paper so it will fit inside your frame.* You will need a little bit of excess paper so that you can stick it to the back of the frame. 

4. Tape the paper to the back of the frame. Make sure that the paper is laid flat and is pulled tight.

5.  So that your theatre will stand up, cut out two triangles the same size.* The easiest way to do this is use the box you have left over and cut off the corners. Tape these so that the straight edge is in line with the bottom of the frame. 

6. Now for the most fun part, decoration! I painted mine, but you could also colour it in. I went for a bright red and painted the word 'theatre' onto the front. You could also make curtains for your theatre to make it even more realistic.

7. Finally, place your theatre in front of a window or a light area or in a dark area using a torch as a spotlight and hold up your puppets behind it. You can create a great show from just using shadows.

Extra Suggestion:

- If you have prepared a show, you could make some tickets and invite everyone to watch it at your theatre!

(* = adult help/supervision might be needed for that particular task).

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