Wednesday 13 May 2020

Milk carton bird house

The wildlife theme continues with today's activity, a bird house! This is really simple, but the carton is an ideal home to some of those birds you might have spotted with your home-made binoculars from Monday's blog post.

What you will need:
- juice or milk carton 
- scissors 
- pen 
- string 
- stick/twig
- circular object to draw around
- bird feed (optional)

1. Firstly, you will need to wash and dry out your carton to make sure it is clean. Using a pen and something to draw around, outline a circle shape which the birds will fit through, on the front of your carton.

2. You might need an adult's help for the next task which is to cut out the circle you have drawn.* 

3. This step is not essential, but I added a stick into my bird house to make a perch for the birds. To do this, cut a small hole first with scissors on either side of the carton*. Now slide the stick through both holes.

4. You will want to be able to hang this up outside, so cut a hole in the top of the carton and thread a piece of string through until you reach the middle of the string.* Tie the top of both pieces of string together, and hang up on a tree or a window.  

5. Finally, If you have some bird food, add this to the bottom of your house, this will encourage the birds to go inside the house you have created. Don't forget if you created the binoculars on Monday, use them to have a look at what birds are making use of the house!

Extra suggestions:

- If you want to you could decorate your carton. I personally liked the decoration already on the carton, but you could paint, colour or cover yours in stickers.

- This is a great link if you want to create a bird feeder for inside your bird house. link for bird feeder

(* = adult help/supervision might be needed for that particular task).

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